Day Three – front suspension

Time spent: 3h
Culmulative time: 16h
Main activities;  Fitting the rest of the front suspension, drilling of wing support.

Blimey – that was a sod of a job. First problem was working out which bushes go into the mounts for the dampers.  There is a bag of bushes of very similar (but not identical) size.  By a process of elimination, I think I have chosen the right ones.  Anyway, I have fired off an email to Caterham to check.  There was a discrepancy in the text vs drawing regarding the number of washers needed.  Hopefully I have made the right choice. 

[Caterham subsequently confirmed that the M8 internal dia buses are for the front and the M10 dia are for the rear (digital calipers useful again to confirm this). They also confirmed that you only need a spring washer on the upper bolt heads (not two washers as indicated in the Guide].

The really tricky bit was the top of the damper.  The difficulty is that the screw used to fix these is running fore and aft right next to the skin of the car.  Its very awkward to get to and to get a Allen key onto the caphead bolt, and aligning everything so that you can insert the bolt and it will go through the damper bush into the tapped hole behind. [access to bolt up the upper front suspension was an ongoing issue during the build. I think with hindsight, I could have been much more brutal with the bodywork around here – pushing it out of the way inwards]

Made a start drilling the hole in the wingstay but found that my drill bit was too blunt to make progress, so nipped out to get a new one.

This is where I am at close of play today. The wheeled axle stands are proving a godsend. Being able to shove the car across the garage to give me more space on the side I am working on is making a big difference.

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