Day Seven – heater and engine mounts

Time spent: 3h
Culmulative time: 33h
Main activities:  Finish heater, install engine mounts

A little bit of tinkering around today.  First job was to finish the heater now that I know where the control cable actually goes.  This didn’t take long.  I cut the coolant  pipes – about 100mm long seems about right – and fixed the cable into the valve assembly (a lot easier to do this with the valve in your hand rather than fixed in the car) and then put it all together.  And then battery back in.  Job done.

Well nearly – just need to fix the cable to something.  I managed to break my riveter so could not fix it in the manner suggested (pop-rivet a cable clamp to the side of the heating fan box).

With the engine install being the next page of the Assembly Guide, I got on with locating and loosely fixing the engine mounts.  As with the radiator mounts, I found I had to run a drill through the openings as the holes are not perfectly aligned and wouldn’t let the bolt through.

I then added some more protection to the chassis in anticipation of the engine install (glad I kept the offcuts of pipe insulation I bought during the cold spell in December). 

And that was it for the day.

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